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Intervention and Consultation
Employee Assistance Program

Conflict Management, Mediation, and Harassment

Distress management

The management and resolution of difficulties faced by your organization or association often have many obstacles. Brio EAP is here to help and support you in order to avoid sometimes disastrous consequences, such as:

  • Broken trust relationship
  • Motivation decrease and absenteeism
  • Increased risk of error
  • Cost increase regarding legal issues or compensations
  • And muchworst, losing your best employees


When complex or problematic situations such as harassment occur, it is essential to intervene as soon as possible in order to limit the consequences on your organization or association.

Our employee or member assistance program allows us to mobilize qualified resources to act at the source and prevent the worsening of the situation. Through this process, our professionals and the reference person together clarify and decide the action plan to be implemented to resolve conflictual elements confidentially.

Conflict management and resolution

Brio EAP and its experienced team of professionals provide carefully customized interventions to organizations and associations to correct the situation and improve the work environment and well-being of the employees or members who are involved in the conflict. If you feel that the seriousness of the problem requires some external help, we are here for you.

Our intervention is based on an approach that focuses on finding solutions and on our many years of professional experience in management, mediation, and conflict management.


Brio EAP provides a mediation service at the workplace to organizations and associations that want to offer a simple and satisfying resolution to a conflict. Our professionals have at heart to find solutions. They ensure to identify the issues clearly and clarify the initial objectives, the converging and diverging points to initiate the mediation objectively and confidentially.

In a mediation context, our professionals are impartial third parties able to resolve the conflict and bring quick and efficient solutions and recommendations.

This presence saves you time, energy, and costs. It enriches the implemented intervention strategy and ensures a consensual agreement between the parties. Brio EAP is an indispensable tool!

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