Functional presenteeism: You are attentive to your health. At the same time, you adapt to the availability of your capacities in order to maintain a sufficient level of performance.
TIP: Functional presenteeism should be preferred to absenteeism, as it allows you to feel good while working in a reasonable way
Therapeutic presenteeism: You come to work because it makes you feel better, even though you recognize that your productivity is significantly reduced.
TIP: Therapeutic presenteeism should be preferred to absenteeism, especially in isolated situations. However, you should talk to your superiors about a temporary assignment.
Excessive presenteeism: You put your health on the back burner to deliver high performance.
TIP: For more than a few days, absenteeism should be preferred to excessive presenteeism, as you run the risk of aggravating your symptoms. This is a very short-term solution.
Dysfunctional presenteeism: You show up for work even though this behavior has no positive effects on your health, while at the same time being unable to deliver a sufficient level of performance.
TIP: Absenteeism should be preferred to dysfunctional presenteeism, as your reputation and working relationships could be affected.